A Will is beneficial at every stage of your life. Preparing a Will provides you the opportunity to distribute the property you own at your death, to appoint a trusted person to handle your last wishes, to establish care for your minor or handicapped children and other loved ones, and otherwise to express your wishes after your death. A Will is one way to leave property to a person or entity other than a “legal heir,” such as a domestic partner, a friend, or a charity. If you die without a Will, the laws of the State of Indiana determine how your property shall be distributed. So, without a Will who cares for your dependents and even what happens to your pets? Those laws may not accurately reflect your desires.
We draft and help you execute valid Wills that ensure your intentions are honored, and provide for efficient estate administration.
A Power of Attorney provides for a trusted and capable person or persons who will handle your financial and medical affairs upon your absence or incapacity. An Appointment of Health Care Representative provides for a trusted person or persons to communicate with physicians or other medical care persons if you are unable to express your wishes to them for your care. A potential guardian can also be designated in the event you become incapacitated. This assures that when you are most vulnerable, your wishes will be honored.